Data Crunch #2.2: Margin of Victory in Women’s Gymnastics

In Data Crunch #2 I’ll analyze the margin of victory of every WAG competition.

Why does the most dominating WAG performance of all time belong to a gymnast most fans have never heard of? Why is Lilia one of the most talented gymnasts of all time? Why did Shannon Miller lose the 1992 Olympics in such a close competition?

Read the article to find out. Continue reading Data Crunch #2.2: Margin of Victory in Women’s Gymnastics

Data Crunch #1.3: Gymnasts Who Scored the Most Career Perfect Tens (Counting Olomouc)

In my inaugural Data Crunch series, I will analyze the Perfect 10 and how often it was given out.

#1.3 is a list of career Perfect 10s ranking the gymnasts by the most amount of Perfect 10s. This list counts Perfect 10s scored at the 1984 Alternate Olympics (Olomouc) as equal to those scored at the World Championships and Olympics. Continue reading Data Crunch #1.3: Gymnasts Who Scored the Most Career Perfect Tens (Counting Olomouc)

Data Crunch #1.2: Gymnasts Who Scored the Most Career Perfect Tens (Not Counting Olomouc)

In my inaugural Data Crunch series, I will analyze the Perfect 10 and how often it was given out.

#1.2 is a list of career Perfect 10s ranking the gymnasts by the most amount of Perfect 10s. The 1984 Alternate Olympics (Olomouc) are not included in the data. Continue reading Data Crunch #1.2: Gymnasts Who Scored the Most Career Perfect Tens (Not Counting Olomouc)